Tim Seibles Becomes Virginia’s Poet Laureate

Tim Seibles (Old Dominion)

Tim Seibles, a contributor to the debut issue of Huizache, has just been named Poet Laureate of Virginia by Governor Terry McAullife (whose name you might recognize as one of the Clintons’ biggest political partners, but that is another story). We are proud to have shown off his work and prouder still to see his career doing so well!

The official announcement from the Governor’s office is pretty cool (you can also find out who was named to the Virginia Biotechnology Research Park Authority!). More info comes from the press release from Old Dominion, where Tim Seibles teaches (and from whom I stole the picture of Tim). And you can check out Tim’s page at The American Academy of Poets to learn more about his work.

One thought on “Tim Seibles Becomes Virginia’s Poet Laureate

  1. I know Tim Seibles! A good friend of mine from my distant 80’s past in Dallas, Texas! I often booked him to read his gorgeous poems at Words on Wednesdays, my weekly reading series at the now defunct 500 Cafe. Even then, he was a superstar, establishing a following among all lovers of verse. Such a kind gentle soul with a deep well of wisdom from which his sumptuous, sexy poetry arose. He wholly deserves this honor, which bespeaks more honors yet to come!

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