Submission Guidelines

Huizache’s focus is Latinx, but we publish all kinds of writing by all kinds of writers. We especially like works that challenge ethnic, gender, or social stereotypes. If that sounds like you, then we’ve got good news: we are currently accepting prose and poetry submissions for Huizache 12, which will appear in the fall of 2025. Click on over to our Submittable page and send us your writing!

There’s no better way to figure out what we like than reading the magazine. So, while you’re putting the finishing touches on your submissions, order yourself the latest issue of Huizache right here. Get some of the old ones while you’re at it! And while you’re waiting for them to get to your mailbox, check out some of our online selections hereHuizache is proud to showcase your work, but we simply can’t do it unless you help support us by buying magazines. After all, if you don’t support our community of writers and artists, who will?

If you have a question about submissions, email us at or

Thanks, and happy reading and writing!

Huizache proudly highlights those whose homes too many fly over or drive past quickly and distractedly, missing, as in the desert, the stunning complexity in the brown soil.” 

– Founding Editor Dagoberto Gilb

Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize

The Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize supports the publication of a first full-length book of poems by a Latinx poet residing in the United States. Established in 2004 by Letras Latinas, the literary initiative at the University of Notre Dame’s Institute for Latino Studies, it is now administered by the Huizache Literary Initiative at UC Davis.

The Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize supports the work of emerging Latinx poets. The prize provides a space for artists who, while part of the largest and fastest growing minority in the United States, are also increasingly diverse in their modes of literary expression. The prize, therefore, does not privilege any particular style, subject matter, or aesthetic.

The winning poet will receive $1000 from the Huizache Literary Initiative and a contract from University of Nevada Press as part of its New Oeste Series. Upon publication of the winning book, the Huizache Literary Initiative will extend an invitation to both the winner and the judge to give a joint reading at UC Davis.

The Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize is awarded every other year. There is no entry fee. See our announcement about the 2024 winner María Esquinca, selected by Juan Felipe Herrera.

The next prize will open in 2026

Judge: TBA