Current Issue
Huizache 11 Fall 2024
Huizache’s eleventh issue has arrived!
Huizache 11 features a stirring memoir from Chicana icon Cherríe Moraga, translations of Mexican maestras Amparo Dávila and Guadalupe Dueñas, and a special portfolio of poets responding to the one hundredth anniversary of the Indian Citizenship Act curated by Alan Pelaez Lopez. We also have poetry from Levine Prize winner William Archila, Max Ritvo Poetry Prize winner Weijia Pan, Lorca Prize winner heidi andrea restrepo rhodes, California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick, and cosmic mandalas from newly minted MacArthur “genius” Juan Felipe Herrera. We’re also excited to share poetry from the winner and runners-up of the 2024 Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize along with spectacular images by Teresa Flores, Juan de Dios Mora, and cover art by the incomparable Gina M. Contreras.

Our Milestone Tenth Issue
Huizache 10 Fall 2023
We celebrate this milestone with a special edition dust jacket that pays homage to legendary Chicana writer Helena María Viramontes, whose fascinating novel-in-progress is excerpted inside. We also feature the work of living icon Gioconda Belli, stellar short stories from Charles Rice-Gonzalez and Michael Jaime-Becerra, and a previously unpublished novel excerpt from the late Colombian queer poet and activist tatiana de la tierra. As in every issue, Huizache presents a stunningly diverse array of poetry that spans generations and communities, including Achy Obejas, Virgil Suárez, Robert Fernandez, Manuel Paul López, Barbara Jane Reyes, Monica Sok, José Antonio Rodríguez, and Alabama Poet Laureate Ashley M. Jones, as well as works in translation from Dominican poet Homero Pumarol and Indigenous Mexican poet Nadia López García. Huizache is also proud to highlight the work of exciting emerging voices such as Shelby Pinkham, Joseph Aaron Cárdenas, and M. Cynthia Cheung. Huizache’s tenth issue bursts with writers challenging, subverting, and upending the dominant narratives that reinforce the status quo—together this chorus of voices forges a vision of a new America.

Still Bold and Beautiful
Huizache 9 Fall 2022
Huizache is back, bold and beautiful!
The nation’s leading Latinx literary magazine now calls California’s Central Valley home, so it’s fitting that Huizache 9 features valley grown legends like Luis Valdez, Juan Felipe Herrera, and Gary Soto, with cover art from Chicana icon Ester Hernandez. Only Huizache showcases the well-knowns like Tim Seibles, Emmy Pérez, and Willie Perdomo with new generation voices like Sara Borjas, Carribean Fragoza, and José Olivarez. And we mix in the soon-to-be well known poets Monica Rico, Natasha Carrizosa, Jose Hernandez Diaz, and Andrés Cerpa, future-star fiction from María Isabel Álvarez, and a portfolio of striking images from Fronterizo/Bordeño printmakers: this is Huizache’s ninth edition!
Huizache may be rooted in the Southwest and the West, but we’re staking our claim to being the magazine of a New America. From the north and south of the Eastern seaboard, across the Midwest, along the Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona borderlands, and rising into the wide breadth of California to the upper reaches of the Pacific Northwest, our voices, the voices of Huizache, sing with originality and howl with passion, reorienting language and narrative, imploding the old preconceptions of our community, culture, and identity. After a difficult absence, this comeback issue, h9, overflows with what was dammed for three long years: writers who refuse to be detained, categorized, labeled, or constrained, who, like the magazine’s namesake, the huizache tree, refuse to be rooted out and flower brilliant gold year after year.